Home » Billy Ripken » Fuck Face Gallery

Fuck Face Gallery

In 1989, Bill Ripken wrote “Fuck Face” on his bat handle and wrote himself into the history books in the process.

Billy Ripken Sketch / Art Gallery
Billy Ripken Parody Art Gallery

Thanks to the following 34 artists for their work!

Nic Baker*
Oliver Barrett
Kenny Calderon
Tim Carroll
Bill Cormalis, Jr.
Cowabunga Johnny
Ron Crouch*
Rob Demers*
John Elkins*
Harold George
Matt Groening
David Gross
Mike Karschti**
Gary Kezele
KiLL! and Peikko
Dana Lee Klug
Brian Kong*
Marvel Comics
Michael Mastermaker
Mark Mosley
Mike Noren
Alex Pardee
Nuno Pereira
Steven Perkins
Allen C. Player
Mallory Root
Juan Rosales*
Keith Shore
Skrilliam Skribblez
Todd Aaron Smith**
Matt Stewart*
Ashley Villers
Mark Voger**
* In Process / Negotiations** In the Mail

Billy Ripken Fuck Face Gallery

Billy Ripken Parody Gallery